
“God?” “Yes, child.” “How can you love me after what I’ve done?” “What exactly have you done, child?” “Oh, God! Please don’t make me say it out loud.” “It needs to be spoken in order for others to hear.” “But why would you choose me? I’m nothing. I’m no one. I have done… This content …

God’s Canvas #1- Collard Lizard

Every year when our kids were young, we would vacation in National Parks. We visited 52 National Parks in their growing up years. This year, we traveled through Utah. Stopping at the Natural Bridges National Park after seeing Arches National Park. When we entered the ranger station, I saw these incredible… This content has been …

Holy Bible opened

Don’t Be So Easily Swayed

Why is it so intimidating to be around someone you know who is a master liar and manipulator? Throughout my Christian Walk, my faith was based on knowing God’s rules: No other God’s before me, don’t make graven images, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, remember the Sabbath, honor your mother and father, don’t …

Trust and Thankfulness

Sarah Young in her book, Jesus Calling, reminded me that we should allow Trust and Thankfulness to be our companions, because Trust protects us from worrying and obsessing and Thankfulness prevents us from criticizing and complaining. What a great reminder! This past year I have danced, dined, and deliberated with the WRONG company! I have …

Take Ownership

I’m here today to expose a plight. To stand up for the silent, me included, in this fight. To implore you to pay attention – to open your eyes. We stand here internally bleeding – please hear our cries. It’s not physical abuse so there’s little evidence of pain, but browbeating is real and leaves …