Don’t put God in a Box

I am an amateur photographer who is so in love with God’s artistry. I can’t help myself from trying to capture all of what He offers. You will often find me with a camera in hand. If it’s not my phone, then my Kodak 1080. But whatever the means, I’m fascinated by all of God’s creation and often hunt beautiful moments in which to snap the perfect memory.

It’s true that God gives us the desires of our hearts. He knows how much...

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  1. Love this thought. I wonder how often I miss what God wants to give me because I’m so laser focused on what I want. So glad you looked back through those photos instead of deleting them!

  2. Faith E Richardson Faith E Richardson

    Me too, Courtney! I can’t wait for what He will show me next!

  3. Oh my…So very beautiful!! May I always remember this story when the time comes!!

  4. Avatar LeAnn Miller

    Such a good lessen! Instead of me pouting that I don’t get what I want. Asking God, “What am I not getting that I want?” or “What am I getting that I don’t want?” It could just be that he has a soaring eagle in my camera & I MISSED IT all along 🙂
    Thanks for such an inspiring lesson on contentment!

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