
“Yes, child.”

“How can you love me after what I’ve done?”

“What exactly have you done, child?”

“Oh, God! Please don’t make me say it out loud.”

“It needs to be spoken in order for others to hear.”

“But why would you choose me? I’m nothing. I’m no one. I have done...

This content has moved to Patheos.com. Please click here to read the full story.


  1. Avatar April Holthaus

    Wow. Brave heart.

  2. So beautiful and inspiring ~ thank you for using your gift of writing!

  3. Faith, thank you for bringing this story to my attention by texting it to me! WOW, your close walk with Jesus, our Lord and Savior shines through the gift He has given you with words and telling stories!

  4. Inspiring as always. Stand tall and strong

  5. Avatar LeAnn Miller

    What a beautiful way to share the gospel! I love the narrative. So very real and transparent and vulnerable. But how so many of us feel. You put those feelings into words on a screen! Thank you for sharing!

  6. They will come! He sends them. Whenever I think I’m done, He sends another. For them and for me.
    Let’s go, Papa!

  7. That is beautiful. I felt the presence of God as I read this so strongly. You definitely are using your gift to glorify God and bless others!

  8. Avatar Kimberlee McCarren

    Wow! Just wow!
    The truth spoken so clearly! You have found your gift, Faith!

  9. I love this. Favorite line: “If others do not listen to what you have to say, that is mine to carry not yours.” If I could live that, to recognize with the burden of ministry that it is His to carry, not mine, the worry I won’t be good enough—yep, that’s His to carry, not mine, and He is always good enough… I need that line on repeat in my brain. Love what you have to say—keep saying it!

    • Faith E Richardson Faith E Richardson

      Thank you, Courtney! Yes! Me too. To remember this when I feel inadequate would save me from denying the world God’s word through me! So true!

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