Why is it so intimidating to be around someone you know who is a master liar and manipulator?

Throughout my Christian Walk, my faith was based on knowing God’s rules: No other God’s before me, don’t make graven images, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, remember the Sabbath, honor your mother and father, don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, do not steal, don’t bear false witness, don’t covet.

Growing in my faith, I could recite the Ten Commandments like it was my own physical address.  I am a rule follower, duh!

  1. Thou shalt not have any other gods before me.

This one can be tricky because often I place people or material items on pedestals and begin to worship them without acknowledgment of what I’m doing.  Before I realize it, it consumes me; takes my eyes off Jesus. More times than I’d like to admit, money, position, and strong authoritative people become my god.

  • Thou shalt not make graven images.

This one is easier for me because I do not worship a tangible item. I worship an invisible God. However, I can be easily duped into believing I’m worshiping my invisible God, when in fact, I’m worshiping some image I have created in my head. Or perhaps the enemy has suggested this so many times it has now become my truth?

  • Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain.

How many times do I slip up? I don’t mean to. I don’t want to, but the enemy has a way of making me feel like it’s ok to use “Jesus” or “God” as a cuss word.  As I grow in my faith it’s easier to not do this, but it still happens from time to time especially if I am around others who don’t have ethical boundaries about how offensive this is. If I’m around it, I pick it up. I’m human. (Maybe I should choose different people in which to surround myself?!)

  • Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.

I work. I work hard. I feel if I’m not being productive, I’m a failure or a poor excuse for a human being. Wow! How the enemy drives this home. How important is it for us to rest? God did it. He asks us to do it. So, why don’t we do this?

  • Honor your mother and father.

I’m not sure I know how to do this correctly. I have a colorful past and my father was absent throughout my youth years. I want to be better at this.

  • Thou shalt not kill.

Easy for me. I can’t even kill a squirrel that’s destroying my apple tree, or brand-new deck furniture much less take a human life. I can’t imagine.  But I believe God’s meaning of “kill” does not just stop with the physical but with the mental and emotional too. Our words can either uplift or destroy a life. Are you careful with your words?

  • Thou shall not commit adultery.

It’s way too easy to allow your eye to stray. Entertaining the mere thought, God considers adultery. The only way to avoid this is to be consumed in God’s word renewing our minds daily. And even then, it’s still a struggle for some.

  • Thou shalt not steal.

When I read this, my mind instantly projects an image of a petty thief, wearing a black hoody; a hood pulled up over his head, dark jeans, black gloves, and dark sunglasses. He slips in without detection, pockets a valuable item, and escapes without notice. However, I feel it’s much, much more than material items. What about stealing another’s ideas? Or how about stealing someone’s joy? Or their self-worth? They’re not yours to take.

  • Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Hmmm. Is this why it’s so intimidating to be around those who are masters? God asks us to not lie. And yet, the masters of this character trait are so good at what they do, they plant doubt in me so much that I cower, flee, and hide from God. Why? Because I don’t want Him to know that I’m unsure. Why am I not sure? 

  1. Thou shalt not covet.

Is this like adultery? One is wanting what others have (material items) and the other is wanting another’s spouse (human). Be happy with what you have. The grass is not always greener on the other side. The bottom line – don’t do it!

I attended a bible study of a dear friend, Courtney Wier. Her heart is so full of the Holy Spirit that Jesus oozes out of every cell in her body. It is a delight to be with her, hearing her realization of who God is.

In her book, Faith and Where to Put It, she mentions the first time Satan deceives in the Bible. Chapter Three of Genesis. He takes the truth (God’s word) and plants doubt ( a lie) with it. “Did God really say you couldn’t eat of ANY tree from the garden?” No, He said, ”You may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden. But you must not eat the fruit from the tree which gives the knowledge of good and evil. If you ever eat fruit from that tree, you will die!”

Satan takes the truth and manipulates it to be desirable to us so that we doubt God’s wait for it, here it comes… Character. There it is. That’s right. We are not just doubting God’s command or what he tells us to do or not to do, we are doubting God’s character. Every time Satan gets us to doubt what God says, we are indeed doubting God’s character.

Let’s look at God’s character for a minute.

  • He’s a loving father. (Ephesians 1:2; Galatians 1:1; Colossians 1:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:3)
  • By nature, He is wholly good. (Mark 10:18; 1 Timothy 4:4)
  • He cares for those who trust Him. (Nahum 1:7; see also Exodus 33:19; Psalm 25:8; 34:8; Matthew 19:17; 2 Peter 1:3).
  • He works all things for our good. (Romans 8:28) Everything God does is an expression of His goodness and is designed to benefit His people.
  • God’s holiness is unequalled. (1 Samuel 2:2; see also Leviticus 11:44–45; 19:2; Isaiah 6:3; 43:15; 1 Peter 1:15–16; Revelation 4:8)
  • God is light and there is no darkness in Him. (1 John 1:5; see also Psalm 12:6; 19:8)
  • He is Righteous. (Romans 3:25–26; see also 2 Chronicles 12:6; Psalm 33:5; Isaiah 45:21)
  • He is Just. (Isaiah 30:18; see also Deuteronomy 32:4; Zephaniah 3:5; Acts 17:31; Revelation 16:5–6)
  • God is love. (1 John 4:8, 16)
  • God is compassionate and gracious. (Psalm 86:15)
  • He is Faithful. (1 Corinthians 1:9; see also Isaiah 49:7 1 Thessalonians 5:24)
  • He is patient. (Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Psalm 86:15;)
  • He fulfills His promises. (Psalm 31:5)
  • He cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19; Isaiah 45:19; Romans 1:25; Hebrews 6:18; Jeremiah 10:10; John 7:28; 8:26)

Need I go on? Even though there is so much more in scripture that pertains to God’s character, the one I want to focus on is the last one I mentioned. He cannot lie. If I know this to be true, and as a Christian believer, I know that scripture is God’s truth, His word is truth- then I know this character trait, “He cannot Lie” is truth. Why then do I believe the enemy when he twists God’s word? How am I so easily duped into doubting God?

Maybe instead of memorizing God’s rules, or commands, I should be focused on His character. Wouldn’t it be productive to know everything about His character and then strive to mimic Him?

Instead of trying to follow rules I constantly struggle to follow and fail at daily, wouldn’t it be better to understand who God is and follow Him? I will still stumble and have trials. God says we will suffer in this life. But isn’t it better to know whom I am serving rather than have blind faith in following His rules when I really don’t know Him at all?

Maybe “better” is not the right word. Maybe “easier” is a better word choice. Wouldn’t it be easier to serve a God I know – to follow His guidelines for life? To know I’m following the “rules” of a God who is kind, caring, compassionate, loving, holy, trustworthy, good… and cannot lie.

If I know that I know that I know God’s character traits. How then can the enemy steal my faith? Plant doubts? Create confusion?

If I am in God’s word every day. And I have a kindred spirit relationship with Him, how then can I be swayed in any other direction than Satan is a Liar?

When I can come to this conclusion in my faith, in my life, I will no longer be intimidated by those who are master manipulators and liars because I will see through them. Their lies cannot penetrate, sway, or misdirect me because I am standing firm on God’s truth. I no longer believe lies.  

Take away: Be present in God’s word every day. Get to know this God who adores you! Have a kindred spirit relationship with your loving father. He waits for you. He beckons you, “Come.” Know that you know that you know God’s character so that you cannot be so easily swayed.

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