Is Truth Your Trainer in the Boxing Ring of Doubt?

How many rounds will it take for me to finally realize I AM God’s messenger? Why do I just sit back and take the punches until it gets so bad, I have to stand up swinging just to dodge the next blow? I know each punch represents a lie The Deceiver tells me, and I believe it about myself or my abilities. And even though Truth sits directly in front of me I still allow Deception to enter the ring of doubt.

Round one: The bell rings and I put my hands up to…

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  1. Avatar Sherry Turner

    Very good analogy. Sometimes we do forget that we have awesome power in our corner.

  2. Wow I love how you finesse words and bring them to life. Thank you for this fabulous word picture to remind us we are never alone and the Holy Spirit is just a prayer away!

  3. Faith,
    I’m blown away as to how God is working on both of us. Yesterday, He gave me an article about Lies. How we oppose ourselves with lies. I am bringing it to our writers’ group the next Monday when we meet. Hebrews 12:3. You’ve got something here. I love how you’ve turned these emotions into characters. I’m thinking of Hinds Feet on High Places. Keep these great ideas for a book. And turn them into a story. Just another thought. Great job, my dear friend. You’re a spark that keeps our writers going. You inspired me. Love you.

  4. Avatar Lisa Fiorucci

    Thank You Faith, what I allowed myself to go through yesterday appeared to be deception trying to win the match but, you reminded me it’s ok to tag in help. You are amazing with your writing. Making words appear as real life images I can actually understand. Thank you for bringing me back to myself.

    • Faith E Richardson Faith E Richardson

      Wow, Lisa! Thank you for your kind words! That Deceiver is out to get us. We need to stick together!

  5. Oh man can I relate to this! You wrote this so beautifully and gave me such a realistic visualization of what it truly feels like. Sometimes we do try to fight our own battles and forget we have a wonderful God to fight them for us and to guide us in these hard times!

  6. Avatar April Holthaus🙏

    How easy it is to let your guard down to fear and confusion. We all need reminders that Truth is our shield when the world is throwing darts with fire and poison aimed at our hearts.

  7. What an inspiring column Faith. You know how to put a face on the obstacles that present themselves when we may not even recognize them. Thank you for sharing; this is something we can all relate to.

  8. What an image! Love the picture at the top. Love the title. Love that you tag Someone Else in to fight for you. Spectacular reminder, Faith.

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