How will you respond to Your Invitation?
Is Truth Your Trainer in the Boxing Ring of Doubt?
How many rounds will it take for me to finally realize I AM God’s messenger? Why do I just sit back and take the punches until it gets so bad, I have to stand up swinging just to dodge the next blow? I know each punch represents a lie The Deceiver tells me, and I …
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Are You A Smooth Road to His Righteousness?
As I stand in the mirror trying to convince myself I’ve done nothing wrong, that I’m not in trouble, why can I see Dread and Condemnation standing directly behind my left shoulder with evil grins showing their dirty, crooked teeth-rubbing their hands together as if they were eagerly awaiting to remind me otherwise? Sometimes things …
My Heart is the Road
On the road I travel, there are many obstacles I must conquer. The Heartbreak Valley can be very dark and low. I am hyper-vigilant about my surroundings. These invisible obstacles haunt me as Fear whispers in my ear that I will never be good enough. He shows me locked prison doors and tells me I …
Don’t put God in a Box
I am an amateur photographer who is so in love with God’s artistry. I can’t help myself from trying to capture all of what He offers. You will often find me with a camera in hand. If it’s not my phone, then my Kodak 1080. But whatever the means, I’m fascinated by all of God’s …
“God?” “Yes, child.” “How can you love me after what I’ve done?” “What exactly have you done, child?” “Oh, God! Please don’t make me say it out loud.” “It needs to be spoken in order for others to hear.” “But why would you choose me? I’m nothing. I’m no one. I have done… This content …
Don’t Be So Easily Swayed
Why is it so intimidating to be around someone you know who is a master liar and manipulator? Throughout my Christian Walk, my faith was based on knowing God’s rules: No other God’s before me, don’t make graven images, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, remember the Sabbath, honor your mother and father, don’t …