10 Tips for God’s Messengers Part 1
My Heart is the Road
On the road I travel, there are many obstacles I must conquer. The Heartbreak Valley can be very dark and low. I am hyper-vigilant about my surroundings. These invisible obstacles haunt me as Fear whispers in my ear that I will never be good enough. He shows me locked prison doors and tells me I …
Don’t put God in a Box
I am an amateur photographer who is so in love with God’s artistry. I can’t help myself from trying to capture all of what He offers. You will often find me with a camera in hand. If it’s not my phone, then my Kodak 1080. But whatever the means, I’m fascinated by all of God’s …
Jesus on Display
Do you see other people’s talents and ask why didn’t I get that one? Or what makes hers better than mine? Or if I had that I’d be (fill in the blank). I do this all the time! And I can’t help but ask myself, why do I do that? God has given me multiple …